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Page 8

  They’d never catch him.

  * * *

  Nikki groaned and snuggled into the warm pillow. Her body felt refreshed. How long had it been since she’d slept all night with no nightmares? Since before the incident for sure, and now with this new occurrence, she hadn’t thought she’d get a wink of sleep ever again.

  Must be the bed. It felt like heaven. Warm and formfitting. She could sleep here for days and not ever get up. Her pillow moved beneath her cheek.

  What the hell?

  Through her sleep-induced haze she tried to think why her pillow would be moving. Come to think of it, it wasn’t the smooshiest of pillows either, but it smelled like Eli and—

  She wrenched her eyes open to an expansive bare chest. Her head was propped just above Eli’s pec, his arm wrapped around her, holding her close. His hand was cupping her ass. Her naked ass.

  The last thing she remembered was him giving her the world’s best orgasm. So what? She’d passed out and he’d taken her clothes off before getting naked himself and sliding into bed next to her? Obviously. At some point during the night Eli had kicked the sheets off and here he was. All six-plus, glorious feet of him.

  Not to mention the eight inches or so of morning woody standing at attention.

  Nikki swallowed back the desire blooming in her tummy. What would it be like to take him in her mouth? He’d done it to her. Turnabout was fair play, wasn’t it? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander?

  She licked her lips in anticipation of how he would taste. If she could somehow get down there without waking him…

  Curling her fingers into a fist, she bit the inside of her cheek. She could do this. Nikki carefully moved down his torso. His hand tightened on her derriere and she froze.

  Please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up.

  A second later his hand slipped off and he snuffled, shifting slightly to his side.

  Phew. Crisis diverted. His abs were rock hard, a testimony to his diligent workout routine.

  His opposite hand reached up to scratch his chest and he twitched again. Nikki paused until he settled into sleep once more. Almost there. She smelled his musky scent mixed with yesterday’s aftershave. His cock jerked and she smiled. It knew she was on her way.

  She took great care in sitting up so she wouldn’t disturb him, wincing at her aches and pains. God he was yummy. Tanned and muscled. Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmmmm. She was going to enjoy this even if she’d never liked giving head before. This was Eli. The love of her life, keeper of her heart, and besides, she could give as good as she got. He may not have totally gone down on her but he’d still given her a fabulous orgasm.

  Supporting herself with her good arm, Nikki leaned over ever so slowly and wet her lips. A tiny drop of pre-come had seeped from the slit and she licked it off with a quick dart of her tongue. The saltiness exploded in her mouth. Eli hissed above her as his cocked jerked in anticipation, yet he still didn’t wake. Must be having one hell of a dream.

  She would make sure he woke to the real thing.

  She lapped at the broad head, loving the power she felt.

  “Uhn,” he moaned and she smiled before taking the tip into her mouth and sucking.

  “Holy sh-shit.” Eli jackknifed into a sitting position, his eyes wide, his chest heaving. Nikki followed his cock as it moved, never letting go.

  She took more of him in, sucking and slurping on his length. He collapsed back again. One hand grabbed the sheet in a tight fist, the other grasped her wrist.

  Nikki bobbed her head over his shaft.

  “More,” he gasped and tangled his fingers in her hair, gently prodding her to do as he asked.

  She did until her gag reflex kicked in and then backed off. Eli let up, then pushed her down again.

  Over and over they parried like this, and each time it got easier to take more of his length. His hips began lifting as she moved down until it was him controlling the blow job rather than her. She gave up and let him fuck her mouth.

  His thighs tensed beneath her breasts, and his heels dug into the mattress. He was very close. She doubled her sucking efforts, ready to taste his flood of come.

  “Christ,” he gritted out. “Enough.”

  Eli reached beneath her armpits, dragging her off his cock and up his body. She looked at him with surprise.

  “As much as I like your mouth wrapped around my cock, I want to be buried in your pussy when I come,” he growled.

  Her eyes widened even more and her puffy, reddened lips pressed together as she swallowed.

  He flipped her, taking care not to hurt her sore shoulder, and positioned himself between her spread thighs. She widened further for him. With a finger, he prodded her slit to find her wet and ready for his penetration. She sighed and tilted her head back, barring her throat for him.

  Eli nearly howled in triumph. His mate had come to him. She’d opened herself up and given herself to him. And he was going to take everything she offered.

  With the pad of his thumb he circled her clit, drawing more of her moisture out, zeroing in on the bundle of nerves guaranteed to make her go off like a rocket.

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she panted.

  He kissed her forehead. “Never.”

  In just a few seconds he had her writhing beneath him. “You are mine, Nikki-Raine.” He entered her in one quick thrust to the hilt.

  She arched her back, her breasts brushed against his chest and she yelled something unintelligible. He held himself still and waited for her to catch her breath. A first mating could be explosive and he wanted her with him all the way.

  Nikki looked at him and nodded, seeming to understand that he was waiting for her to be ready.

  Keeping himself levered above her in deference to her injury, he pulled out and slammed back in, catching a rhythm that had them both sweating in no time.

  Nikki clawed at his arms and hooked her ankles at the small of his back. Her small cries of bliss barely penetrated. The tension built until he thought his cock would burst.

  Eli leaned in to nibble along the vein running the length of her neck. It was almost time.

  His balls tightened as he thrust into her heated passage. His teeth lengthened. He bit.

  She screamed as the twin sensations of his bite and her orgasm washed over her. Eli slammed home one more time and tensed as his cock exploded. For what seemed like an eternity, he emptied his seed deep in her womb. Her pussy clenched around him, milking him for all he was worth. His wolf howled in success.

  Her thighs squeezed his hips until they could hold on no longer. He felt them slip away to lay boneless at his side. Her hands dropped too.

  Eli laved his mark on her neck with his tongue, sweeping aside the hurt and healing the small bite.

  The mating was done. She was his forever. Caelan would know the minute he smelled her, as would his pack. No one would touch her, but him, again. He wanted to pump his fist in the air. Instead he melted onto her, exhausted.

  Only when he sensed her inability to breathe well did he move, disengaging from her pussy. She hissed as he did so.

  Eli rolled to his side and propped himself on his elbow. Her eyes were closed and her nostrils widened with each inhalation. He laid his hand on her belly and laughed when it jumped beneath his touch. She smiled and curled into him.

  “Mine,” he grunted.

  Now she laughed and looked up at him, her eyes bright in the early morning sun pouring in the window. “Yes. Yours.”

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” He tried to roll her over so he could get a better look at her shoulder and any damage he might have caused. She resisted.

  “In a good way, E.” She chuckled. “It was a good hurt. And oddly enough, my shoulder isn’t really bothering me.”

  He grunted and pulled her into a tight embrace. “Probably the painkiller you took last night.”

  “Last night? I don’t remember
doing that.”

  “You wouldn’t, Sleeping Beauty. You were so out of it when I came in with dinner, I had to coax that pill down your throat. You didn’t even wake up when I got in bed with you.”

  “Ah, that explains why I couldn’t figure out why you were in my bed.”

  “Our bed.” He squeezed her until she squeaked. He loved the sound of our bed.

  “Our bed,” she whispered as if trying it out for herself. “Is this real?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “It’s real.” And soon reality would become unbelievable. Eli sighed and rubbed her back. What would she think of him then?

  Chapter Nine

  Nikki heard voices in what she hoped was the kitchen. She had followed her nose to the enticing scents of bacon and coffee and now paused in the doorway. Eli stood at the sink, his back to her. Tieran sat in a chair at the table, engrossed in the newspaper. Or appeared that way until she spoke.

  “I can’t tell you anything else, E. I felt her fear. It was dark, she was being held tightly against a wall maybe. Something solid.”

  “Is it something from her past?” Eli asked. “Damn I can still smell her like she’s standing right here.” He sniffed his shirt and Nikki quirked an eyebrow at the motion.

  Who could he still smell?

  Tieran shrugged. “Maybe she’s awake.”

  “Nah. She was zonked. She’ll probably sleep a while longer.”

  Nikki felt rooted to the floor. They were talking about her? Unless he had another woman stashed away in the house. He could smell her?

  “Hey. I asked if it was from her past.” Eli still hadn’t turned around.

  “I said no.”

  “You didn’t speak.”

  “I shrugged.”

  “What the hell good did that do? I don’t have eyes in the back of my head.”

  Tieran snorted. “Caelan does.”

  Nikki couldn’t move, watching their by-play. There was an obvious affection between them. Friendly, nothing else.

  “That’s because he knows the mischief you get into.”

  Tieran spluttered with indignation. “I do not.”

  “Whatever, T.”

  Nikki smiled and smothered a laugh, not wanting to intrude. She still felt like a stranger.

  A movement caught her eye and her breath froze in her lungs. A very large dog had poked its head in the doggie door. Tongue wagging as it panted, the dog cocked its head. Her heart pounded. It did not look like a nice doggie. It looked wild, like it belonged in the woods.

  She didn’t remember ever hearing Eli say he had a dog. Was this a stray then? Had it wandered in following the scent of food?

  Damned ballsy dog if it had.

  “Eli,” she whispered. No response.

  “Eli,” she said a tad louder.

  Tieran swung around. The smile on her face was replaced by a look of worry.

  “What’s wrong, Nikki?” Her head cocked the same way the dog’s was.

  Eli turned. “Hey, sweetheart, I’ve made… What’s up?”

  Why the hell did everybody in this house cock their head the same way? Couldn’t they see what she saw? The enormous dog getting ready to devour them all.

  She indicated the door with a slight nod. “Don’t move.”

  “Shit.” Eli sprang toward the door at the same time Tieran stood.

  “Don’t move,” Nikki yelled. She could see it now. The dog would leap in and attack the first available body, which was Tieran.

  “It’s okay, Nikki, it’s just Cae—”

  “Out.” Eli’s shout drowned out Tieran’s words but Nikki could swear she’d heard the other woman say it was Caelan. Eli pointed out the door and the dog disappeared with a pathetic whine.

  Why would Tieran say the dog was Caelan unless… Oh God. The blood drained from her face.

  “She doesn’t know yet, Eli?” Tieran’s shrill voice interrupted.

  “No, damn it.”

  “What is it with the men in this house?” Tieran slapped her thighs and marched out of the kitchen. She stopped beside Nikki. “When he’s done explaining things to you, come to me and I’ll explain them again. Better yet”—she smiled—“we’ll go to his mom’s. She’s fabulous. You’ll love her.” Tieran’s hand squeezed Nikki’s in a comforting gesture, leaving Nikki more confused than ever.

  Across the room, Eli heaved a sigh and dropped his chin to his chest. The outside door opened and Caelan strode in.

  “Good morning, guys.” He grinned. Fully clothed, not a hair out of place. No way had he just been a dog.

  “She knows, you idiot, the gig is up.” Hands on hips, Eli faced his brother. “Why’d you do that?”

  “Like I knew she’d be standing there.”

  It dawned on her then. She hadn’t seen a dog. “You’re werewolves.” Nikki hated how unstable her voice sounded. Derek had been telling the truth then. She’d believed him on some level, but really, who wouldn’t have doubted him? Werewolves? And nobody knew about them?

  Both men looked at her with identical grimaces.

  “Shape-shifters,” they said together.

  Nikki spluttered and stabbed at the doggie door. “Y-you were a wolf right there. That makes you a werewolf. Oh my God.”


  Her body trembled in fear. No, not fear, she’d heard the rumors, had joked about it, and Derek had confirmed them in the hospital. But to actually see it was just downright bizarre. So if it wasn’t fear, why was she trembling? Trepidation, maybe? Concern about the unknown?

  “Damn, she’s just like Tieran with that werewolf bullshit. Why didn’t we get normal mates?” Caelan growled.

  Nikki’s ears perked and she backpedaled. “Mates?”

  Eli groaned. He covered his face with his hands and took a deep breath. “You wanna leave now, Cael?”

  “Yup. Leaving.” He stopped next to her the same as Tieran had. “When he’s done explaining things, go find Tieran. She’s been through this.”

  “Yes, thank you. She mentioned that already.” She had to fight to keep from gritting her teeth.

  “My mate did that?” His grin took over his face, showing his dimples.

  The same dimples Eli had that made her body melt. Caelan’s didn’t have the same effect and she wondered why. They were identical after all, so why didn’t Caelan make her mouth water and pussy tingle?

  Caelan nodded. “She’s good like that.”

  An intense growling sounded from where Eli still stood. “Back off, brother.”

  “Eli,” Nikki gasped. She’d never seen him act this way.

  Caelan moved on, tilting his head as he went. “Don’t worry about him. It’s all part of the mating. It’ll dissipate sooner or later.” He looked back at his twin. “Dissipate, not go away.” And then the door swung shut, enclosing her and Eli in the kitchen.

  By themselves.

  “Please don’t be afraid,” he pleaded.

  The sadness in his voice fortified her. “I’m…not. I just, well, this is all kind of unreal, you know?”

  He nodded and pulled out a chair for her. When he held his hand out to her she went as if tugged by a string. She’d never be able to deny the man anything.

  Nikki sat. Eli left her side for a moment and filled a plate with fluffy scrambled eggs, bacon, a biscuit and some delicious-looking melons. She didn’t know how he could eat at a time like this. Her stomach and brain churned with questions and possible answers. It was a good thing she hadn’t needed to take a pain pill this morning or she might not remember having this conversation.

  He yanked out the chair next to her and scooted it until the front touched the side of hers. Doing a double take, she glanced up at him.

  The plate of food was placed in front of her. A fork and a glass of juice followed. She looked back and forth between the food and him.

  “I don’t think I can eat right now, Eli.”

  “You can”—he straddled the chair so his knees surrounded her seat—“and you wil

  Before she could huff in protest, a long, lean finger covered her lips. “You need to eat. You’re too skinny.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. She hadn’t eaten or slept well in more than eight months.

  “Hey.” He lifted her chin with the tip of the finger that had sealed her lips. “It’s okay. You’re safe here.”

  Nikki blinked but couldn’t stop a fat tear from rolling down her cheek. Eli swiped at it with his thumb.

  “I will never let anybody touch you, Nikki-Raine,” he vowed.

  She sniffed and nodded. “I know.” She did know, too. She believed he would never hurt her or, to the best of his abilities, allow anyone else to either. But he couldn’t be with her every moment of the day. The same way Derek hadn’t been able to drop her off at her friend’s house that night. If he had… Christ, if he had, he might be injured too. Or worse, dead.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  The lump in her throat enlarged tenfold but she nodded. She needed to know now, not later. As if her life wasn’t weird enough.

  “Do you want to ask questions or just listen to me talk?” His thumb came up to brush a lock of hair behind her ear and stayed to rub the lobe.

  Honestly? How the hell did she know? “This is a little overwhelming.”

  The soothing rub continued. “We’ll take it one step at a time.”

  “How many of you are there?” Might as well jump in somewhere.

  “Lots. Whole communities. You wouldn’t know one if you saw one.”

  “You think?” she mocked, looking at him like he’d lost his ever-loving mind. She’d known him for how many years and didn’t know? Except for the rumors… Maybe she was the one losing her mind. Maybe this was a dream and she was still lying in bed.

  He smiled on a puff of a laugh. “You’re not dreaming.”

  Her mouth fell open before she could stop it.

  “Sweetheart, I didn’t tell you before because we don’t tell anybody. It could be detrimental to our race.”